Ofsted and Parent view
Parental and Pupil Questionnaire’s on Remote Learning
During the recent lockdown and partial closure of schools we consulted with our parents and pupils to find out how parents and pupils found it and also to help us make any improvements where we can to any of our remote learning offers
Please see the results by clicking on the results below
Relationship and Health education
Consultation – November 2020
All primary schools in the UK now have new statutory requirements relating to Relationship education and Health education. This will replace and enhance the Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) that we provide.

To support school in delivering the new statutory requirements we consulted our parents and carers in the Autumn term so that they could express their views, ask any questions they may have had and to let us know if they had any concerns with the new requirements.
You can view the results of our consultation by clicking on the link below.
Please have a look at the Relationships and Sex Education Policy and curriculum overview by clicking the links below:
If you would like to see what the Department for Education’s new statutory requirements are, please click here.
Click below to download a leaflet – Understanding Relationships and Health Education in your child’s primary school – create by the Department of Education. It explains the changes being made and your rights as a parent with regard to Relationships and Health Education in school.

Ofsted and Parent View
Parent View allows you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about our school at any time of the school year. It is also the main way for parents to give their views about the school to inspectors during an Ofsted Inspection.
You will be asked your opinion on 13 aspects of our school, from the quality of teaching, to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. Ofsted use the information provided when making decisions about which schools to inspect and when.
- Click HERE to download/view our latest full Ofsted Report carried out 29th & 30th September 2021.
Key points from the report include
Leaders, staff and governors want the best for the community they serve. They have high expectations of what pupils can achieve.
Pupils speak confidently about their school. Pupils enjoy coming to school.
Reading is taught well and is a strength of the school.