Thrive Approach
What is Thrive?
The Thrive Approach® has evolved over the last 25 years, providing those who work with children and young people with the knowledge, skills and tools to optimise social and emotional development. Thrive is committed to supporting and encouraging the development of confident, curious, creative and capable children and young people who are open to learning and better equipped to deal with life’s ups and downs.
We have been using Thrive at Riverdale Primary since 2015 and the approach is now securely embedded within our whole school ethos. We are proud to be a school where children and all the grown-ups who care for them, thrive together. Our behaviour policy, school environment and curriculum all have Thrive at the very heart.
How does it work?
Appropriate for all children from birth to adulthood, the Thrive Approach draws on the latest research into brain science, child development theory and attachment theory. It helps us to understand how the brain develops, and how parents, teachers and other professionals can best support this development by providing the best experiences for the children at each stage. Parents and carers who would like to know more about the approach are welcome to ask one of our key Thrive Practitioners.

Click the links below for resources that you may find helpful to try at home.