Parental Communication
We encourage all parents to sign up for the communication apps we use as a school. All the apps are accessible on a computer, phone or tablet. Find below a list of apps we utilise in school, please click on the pictures or headings to access the individual websites.
School Gateway
The School Gateway app allows communication between the school and parents/carers electronically. Messages are sent through the app, text message or email. The School Gateway app can also be used to book places for breakfast club, extracurricular clubs, and to make payments for trips, uniform and dinner money amongst others.

Seesaw is an online educational app used by children and teachers to share learning material and to showcase children’s hard work. Teachers can empower students to create, reflect, share, and collaborate.
Purple Mash

Purple Mash is a cross curricular platform engaging children with maths, spelling and grammar games. It enables positive online behaviours whilst providing a safe way for children to learn to email, blog and express themselves.
Spelling Shed

Spelling Shed’s approach to spelling involves the relationship between sounds and written symbols as well as using morphology to help spell through meaning.
Oxford Owl

Oxford Owl is an award-winning website to support children’s learning at home. It is home to fantastic eBooks accessible to your child.
Accessing the apps
Parents/Carers can access the school gateway app by inputting their personal details, this will sync with the schools system. Please ensure school hold your up to date phone number and email address. To access all other apps, codes are sent home at the start of an academic year, if codes expire or are lost please request a copy from the school office.