Parent / Teacher Contact
Parents are always welcome in school. You can talk to your child’s teacher or anything that may be causing you concern about your child’s education, before 8.30 am or at the end of the school day.
Similarly we will speak to you, if for any reason we feel your child is not progressing as we would normally expect.
We hold two consultation days per year when parents are invited into school to see their child’s work and discuss their progress with their class teacher.
A written report will be given to you on your child’s progress during the Summer Term. On reading the report, if parents have any concerns about their child’s progress, arrangements can be made for parents to come into school and speak to their child’s teacher.
Letters, newsletters and other correspondence are sent out electronically via email. We also send reminders and general notices via our school app. Please call in to the office to register your details to ensure you are kept up to date with all things school related.
We see the role of parents as extremely important in the process of learning and your help in working alongside the children is invaluable.
The school has its very own Facebook page, which keeps parents informed of events, letters being sent home and to celebrate achievements by our children. If you would like to become a friend, please send a friend request to Kirsty Reilly.