PSHE including RSE
PSHE ( Personal, Social and Health Education) is a subject we teach in school which helps pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future.
All primary schools now have new statutory requirements relating to Relationship and Sex education (RSE) We have incorporated compulsory RSE elements into our PSHE curriculum.
PSHE helps pupils to stay healthy, safe and prepared for life and work in modern Britain
At Riverdale we develop skills and understanding under eight different topics which we revisit and build on each year.
The topics are :-
- Relationships
- My body and my health
- Lifecycles
- Feelings and attitudes
- Mental Wellbeing
- Keeping safe and looking after myself
- People who help me
- Living in our world
To help you know exactly what we teach our children in each year group, we have produced some leaflets that explains the content taught in each year group.
Please click on the links below to see the leaflets
- PSHE REC Leaflet
- PSHE YR1 Leaflet
- PSHE Yr2 Leaflet
- PSHE YR3 Leaflet
- PSHE YR4 Leaflet
- PSHE YR5 Leaflet
- PSHE YR6 Leaflet
Click below to download a leaflet – Understanding Relationships and Health Education in your child’s primary school – create by the Department of Education. It explains the changes being made and your rights as a parent with regard to Relationships and Health Education in school.