School Uniform
All pupils at Riverdale Primary wear our School Uniform. We strongly encourage the wearing of our school uniform by all pupils throughout the year. The children look so smart and it shows everybody in the local community that we are proud to be part of Riverdale Primary School.
Our school uniform is as follows: plain green sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan, white or yellow shirt, black or grey trousers, skirt or pinafore, and sensible black shoes. If your child wears trainer style shoes, they must be completely black (Plain with no logos).
There is no requirement to wear branded uniform.
Children may wear a watch and stud earrings, but no other jewellery may be worn. Prior to P.E. lessons the children will be asked to remove all jewellery themselves. We would suggest that on P.E. days the children do not wear earrings to school as this avoids hassle and saves time!
Our school P.E. kit is black shorts and a white t shirt or polo shirt. Please note that children can not wear football kits in P.E. lessons. In cold weather conditions children may wear jogging bottoms and sweatshirts if P.E. lessons are outside. During P.E. lessons long hair must be tied back.
Please ensure that your child remembers to bring their P.E. kit to school on Monday, to save you the inconvenience of having to bring it to school during the week. P.E. kits may be left in school between lessons and should be taken home at the weekend to be washed.
Children having swimming lessons will also need a swimming costume (not bikini) or swimming trunks (not shorts) and a towel.
Many children are careless with their personal possessions. We have a lost property box in each classroom in School, which are continually being filled with unclaimed items. Please help by ensuring that all property and items of clothing and footwear are clearly marked with your child’s name. Thank you!
All of the above rules allow our children to demonstrate their respect for our school and help to eliminate problems caused by bullying around fashion/money and taste. They help our children to view their school as a community of equals.
Our uniform can also be purchased at most supermarkets and many other retailers.
Uniform Checklist
The School Uniform consists of;
- Black or Grey Trousers or Jogging Bottoms (plain, no writing or logos).
- Black or Grey Skirt or Pinafore
- White or Yellow Polo Shirt
- Plain Green Sweatshirt, Jumper or Cardigan
- Black Shoes or Black Trainers (Plain with no logos)
For PE children must wear;
- Black Shorts
- Plain white T Shirt
- Trainers
- Outside – Plain Black Joggers , Plain Black or Grey Sweatshirt
Please click the link below to view our latest uniform policy.