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What is SEND Local Offer ?

At Riverdale Primary School, we are committed to providing an inclusive education for all learners. Our approach is guided by the principles outlined in the Children’s and Families Act and the SEN Code of Practice, which emphasise the importance of early identification, personalised support, and the active involvement of parents and students in the learning process.  

We believe that every child has the right to a high-quality education that meets their individual needs and are passionate about our learners being challenged to make their best progress and achieve their full potential within our school and wider community.  

Our SEN Information Report outlines the strategies, resources, and support systems we have in place to ensure that all learners are fully included in the school, we recognise that students with Special Educational Needs (SEN) may require support in one or more of the four broad areas of need as defined by the SEN Code of Practice: Communication and Interaction, Cognition and Learning, Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH), and Sensory and/or Physical Needs.  

Communication and Interaction needs include difficulties with speech, language, and social communication.  

Cognition and Learning encompasses a range of learning difficulties, from moderate learning difficulties (MLD) to more complex needs such as severe learning difficulties (SLD) or specific learning difficulties (SpLD) like dyslexia.  

Social, Emotional, and Mental Health needs involve challenges in managing emotions, behavior, or social interactions, which can impact a student’s ability to learn.  

Sensory and/or Physical Needs refer to difficulties related to vision, hearing, mobility, or other physical challenges that may require specialist support or equipment.  

Our school is dedicated to identifying and addressing these diverse needs  

How does Riverdale know if children need additional help? 

At Riverdale the identification of individual needs of children is built into the overall approach to monitoring progress and development of all pupils. 

At Riverdale we have committed money from our school budget to employ more staff than would be typically employed for the size of the school. This is to ensure that all children are taught as much as possible in small groups. In this way children receive a high level of interaction with teachers and they can see easily if your child is finding certain things harder than their peers. 

Each term we analyse the progress children have made and identify those that are currently not on track and  identify support to be allocated to those children not achieving their potential. 

If we notice a significant change in your child’s behaviour or attitude as staff are vigilant with monitoring and recording observations of children’s development both socially and academically with the SENDCo from the earliest point. 

All staff at Riverdale encourage parents and carers to work closely with school and share valuable knowledge about their child’s development.  

What should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?

Initially the class teacher is the first point of contact, any concerns can be discussed at the pupil progress meetings we hold each term, or with the class teacher at anytime of the school year before or after school.  

The child’s class teacher is responsible for: 

Providing high quality teaching including adapting and refining the curriculum to meet the needs of all children.  

Checking on the progress of your child  

When appropriate, writing SEN support plans with smart targets and identifying interventions and strategies to meet those targets, then reviewing progress on a termly basis. 

Meeting with and keeping parents informed of any interventions your child might be accessing. 

Meeting with the SENDCo on a termly basis to review and discuss the specific needs, progress and provision for our pupils with SEND.  

Ensuring Quality First Teach in their classroom and making reasonable adjustments to pupil provision as appropriate.  

Attending professionals meetings with external agencies when appropriate. 

Ensuring that the school’s SEND procedures, policy and SEND information report is followed in their daily classroom practice and for all pupils they teach with SEND. 

Class teachers may seek further advice from  

Mrs Coldwell – SENCo  

Mrs Reilly Headteacher / THRIVE practitioner  

Mrs Wales THRIVE practitioner  

The SENDCo is responsible for:  

Overseeing and coordinating the provision for children with SEND.  

Setting up and maintaining on a termly basis an overview of the pupils who are receiving any additional to and different from support.  

Advising staff on the graduated approach to providing SEND support.  

Advising staff on strategies and provision to ensure Riverdale’s Quality First Teach for SEND pupils is consistent 

Maintaining and updating the records of pupils with SEND. 

Working with external agencies 

Supporting teaching staff with the reviewing and writing of SEN support plans 

Providing and accessing specialist support and training for staff in school to ensure that they are skilled and confident about meeting a range of needs.  

Ensuring the school’s SEND register is up to date. This is reviewed on an ongoing basis. 

Liaising with other schools for transition e.g. to secondary school. 

Attending review meetings with parents, school staff and other professionals. 

To monitor that agreed actions and practices to support pupils are in place through data analysis, learning walks and work scrutinises. 

Applying for additional support for SEND pupils, including additional funding applications. 

Through working together we aim to inform parents of how your child is being supported and what can be offered to your child / family as well as supporting when building relationships with external agencies that you may be less familiar with. 

How will know how Riverdale Primary School will support my child? 

How will I know how Riverdale Primary School will support my child?

The support in school can take many forms and begins with Quality First teach in every classroom. Our inclusive classrooms strive to promote a place all children feel they belong e.g. 

Through personalised spaces eg, pegs, trays, display,  

Staff greeting children by name each day,  

Well organised environments with consistent routines shown on visual timetables,  

Avariety of seating or groupings through out the day 

Carefully planned transitions, with visual timers or calendars to support the process where appropriate  

Active Learning sessions planned throughout the week  

Modelled teaching and the use of technology to record inputs 

Daily Check in’s with familiar staff 

Adaptions to timetables 

If additional support in school is felt to be appropriate for your child, this will be discussed with you first to gain consent and form the basis of your child’s learning plan which school and yourselves will have a copy of.  

This will be a graduated response with children receiving support through: 

  1. A 1 page personalised Learning passport – highlighting likes and dislikes, helpful phrases, strategies for learning, equipment needed  
  1. A SEN support plan – with an overview of your child, smart targets and advice from outside agencies  
  1. A SEN Support Plan Plus – a more detailed plan with observations of the areas of need, outlined by the SEN code of practise, SMART targets and advice from outside agencies  

Each term you will be invited to a pupil progress meeting with your child’s class teacher and SEN review meeting with the SENCO where your child’s learning plan is shared to celebrate their strengths, progress made and discuss the next steps they to continue to improve. An integral part of this is adding parent, careers and pupil views school. Additional support may take the form of: 

smaller group work in or out of the class, 

  1. support with another member of staff outside the normal teaching of that lesson for a 

short period of time 

additional teaching outside of the normal school day 

Any interventions are reviewed regularly for effectiveness and are adapted according to this. 

If despite additional support your child is still not progressing in the area of concern, we will ask for your permission to seek advice from other professionals who do not work in school everyday but specialise in key areas of learning and development . With your permission an assessment will take place with your child and input from yourselves and school staff. A report will be compiled by the professional providing recommendations. A meeting will be held with you and school staff to update your child’s learning plan to follow recommendations given.

How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?

At Riverdale we believe in low threshold high ceiling for all children. This means that all children have the opportunity to try challenges they feel appropriate for them without putting a ceiling on their experiences across the curriculum because of any specific needs they may have. 

Putting in place specific strategies to support your child with their learning progress including Specialist equipment may be given to help them for e.g.. writing slope, concentration cushion, pencil grips, modified scissors, ICT equipment. 

Flexible groupings and active learning allow children to collaborate with a range of children and show their knowledge through different learning styles or ways of recording where appropriate. 

Flexible planning takes into account individual pupils needs and requirements.  

Additional adults are used flexibly to help groups and individual pupils, with the long term goal of developing independent learning skills.  

Ongoing monitoring takes place to avoid pupils becoming over reliant and dependent on adult support.  

How will I know how my child is doing?

We welcome you in to talk to your child’s class teacher or the member of staff who may be providing any additional support at anytime through the school year before or after school in person, via the class e-mail or by telephone which ever is more convenient. Staff will endeavour to answer your query with in 48 hours and beteen the hours of 8 am and 5pm Monday to Friday. 

Ongoing monitoring takes place by class teachers to identify pupils who are not making expected progress.  

Pupil Progress Review meetings with class teachers take place on a termly basis to discuss and track pupil progress.  

SEN review meetings take place each term to share and create your child’s SEN Support plan and discuss next steps.  

Following further assessments and after discussions with the class teacher, SENCo, THRIVE practitioner and parents as appropriate, additional support may be put in place to help overcome any identified difficulties. This additional support is documented by the school through SEN Support Plan. 

In consultation with the class teacher, SENCo, the THRIVE Lead, the Head Teacher and parents  an agreed course of action is implemented and a review meeting is put in place to assess the impact of the additional support. Where external agencies are involved, their advice and recommendations are included in this plan. 

In some cases and for pupils who already have an Education Health and Care Plan, a learning support assistant may be allocated. The level of support will be determined by the complexity and severity of the individual child’s needs. There will be an expectation that pupils should develop independent learning skills as far as possible and not become reliant on adult supervision and support. Children, who have an individual education plan or an individual support plan, will have a termly SEN review meeting, to review targets, progress and provision. In some circumstances, parents and external agencies will meet to review the impact of interventions and recommendations which have been made by a specific professional. The impact of support offered is considered along with the progress towards the targets set. Support arrangements will be updated and revised accordingly. If not already involved, this might include a referral to an external agency. The outcomes of these meetings will be recorded and kept in the children’s individual SEND file. If your child continues to make little or no progress and their needs are identified as severe, complex and long term then an Education Health Care Plan assessment may be requested. Further details about this process will be explained by the school SENCo and information published in the Local Authority Local Offer
How will you help me with my child’s learning?

School will hold meetings throughout the year for parents to show different ways you can support your child’s learning 

Your child class teacher regular updates of learning on the class Seesaw Account. The App can be downloaded and codes are available from teachers of the school office.In addition class teachers will post a window to week through the class newsletter. 

The school’s website has some help videos for parents explaining how to teach specific skills and say phonic sounds.  

Class teacher’s will be only to happy to provide advice throughout the school year and signpost resources.  

During the termly progress meetings ideas and support will be discussed to help you help your child. These will be recorded on your child’s written report / SEN support Plan.  

If another service has been involved with your child, they will provide support and advice within their reports they produce for both school and home. 

What support is there for my child’s overall well being?

The school offers pastoral support for pupils encountering emotional difficulties which include: 

  • THRIVE practitioners to support parent and pupil queries or support  
  • Modified timetables and reasonable adjustments such as entering the building at different times to the rest of school, quieter / individual work spaces, sensory circuits / brain breaks, lunchtime and playtime adjustments  
  • Thrive Counselling for identified pupils  
  • Containment through regular routines and visual prompts / change is prepared for and shared before hand.  
  • Access to ‘Connect Club’ for identified children  
  • Working collaboratively with ‘Inside Out’ Mental Health Agency, including access to a designated school worker on site 1 day week. Support can take the for of parent drop ins, assemblies, group work or referrals for 1-1 seesions for the parents of child. 

Pupils with Medical needs  

A care plan is written for each child with medical needs. These are written with support from the school nurse in consultation with parents/carers. 

Each plan is shared with all staff at staff meetings and displayed within the staffroom for ease of reference with a photo for ease of identification for all staff. 

Staff receive relevant training where appropriate from the relevant medical professionals for eg use of EpiPen, administering insulin, administering epilepsy seizure medication 

Where necessary medicines are administered in school , where a signed consent form is in place, with clear instructions identified. 

All staff have basic first aid training 

What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by the school?

Riverdale Primary School works with a number of external agencies to seek specialist advice and support to ensure that the needs of all our children are fully understood and met. 

We aim to support all families throughout their journey and follow advice from the Redcar and Cleveland Local Offer, these include  

The School Nursing service  

Early Help  

Mulit-agency drop in coffee mornings 

The Sleep Service  

Daisy Chain  

See attached link for the Local authority document

Following these, school and yourselves may decide  more specialist advice is required and can refer to the agencies below: 

Educational Psychologist  Referrals are made by the SENDCo in consultation with the Headteacher and SLT when discussing next steps for SEN learners.  A referral form is completed by the school and shared with the parents to ensure their views and hopes for the future are reflected. 
Specialist Teaching Service  Referrals are made by the SENDCo in consultation with the Headteacher and SLT when discussing next steps for SEN learners  The Specialist Teacher will complete a 1-1 assessment with the child for Literacy, Numeracy or both. 
Speech and Language Therapy (SALT)  NHS SALT Service  Referral made by school with parental consent.  Class Teacher / SENDCo complete. 
Inside Out  (Emotional / well being support)  Parents can access the service directly through the parent drop service held weekly in school with a regular school-based worker. School can refer to the service through a monthly meeting.  
STAR’s  (Visual and Hearing Support)  School, families and wider agencies can refer directly to the service. 
Neuro Pathway Team School or other agencies can refer. A telephone consultation with the Neuro Pathway Team must be booked initially  If the information is accepted then school and home complete a form that school will submitted. 
Occupational Therapy  NHS  Service  Referral made by school with parental consent.  Class Teacher / SENDCo complete. 
Resource and Support Panel (RSP) Referrals are made to the RSP by school. School complete the referral, including seeking parent and pupil views. Schools can apply for Higher Needs Funding or for a Local Authority Educational Psychologist or Specialist teacher for advice.  
What training are the staff supporting children and young people with SEN had or having?

There is an on-going programme of training in place to ensure that all teachers and support staff have the appropriate skills and knowledge to support the provision and progress for children with SEND. 

The school uses specialists and outside agencies such as the Speech and Language Therapy Service, Educational Psychologist Service, the Literacy Centre, the Visual Impairment Service, the Hearing Impairment Service, Early Years Help Services and medical professionals to deliver training and support for staff where appropriate 

Teachers and support staff may also access outside courses led by the Ironstone Trust to develop their SEND skills and knowledge.  

The SENCo and Inclusion Lead actively engage in a range of opportunities to share best practice and keep abreast of current local and national initiatives and policy to support pupils with SEN.  

The SENCo attends the half termly SENCo Local authority briefings and termly Ironstone Trust SEN updates. 

Where appropriate we also seek advice and guidance from local specialist schools and specialist agencies to support with the reviewing and development of provision for pupils who have the most complex needs. 

Different members of staff have received training related to different the four areas of SEN 

How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including trips? 

Activities and school trips are available to all children and 

Risk assessments will be carried out and procedures put in place to enable all children to participate 

If it is deemed that an intensive level of 1-1 support is required, which school is unable to provide, you or a relative may be asked to accompany their child during the activity. 

Children will be talked to and prepared for the trip by a familiar adult. Any questions and concerns can be shared and answered 

How accessible is the school environment?

At Riverdale the environment is regularly monitored to ensure learners with SEN and Disability can take part in all aspects of school life and that the school buildings and outdoor spaces are adapted.  

Access arrangements currently include:  

Wheel Chair access with ramps to the playground and the main school entrance. Main entrance, office hatch and internal classroom doors all meet DDA regulations 

The School is all on one level 

Disabled toilet facilities.  

Sensory diet resources including chewy bracelets, lap weights, fidgets and wobble cushions.  

Writing slopes, writing grips, alternative scissors, and specific handwriting and fine motor skills exercises are available as required. These supports are recommended by the OT service and/or other medical professionals. 

Adjustments to timetables for some individual children in order to enable them to manage the school day better.  

The use of electric equipment and software as appropriate.  

An individualised access and/or medical care plan will be introduced, depending on the needs of the child. 

How will school prepare and support my child starting Riverdale Primary School or joining another school?  

We realise that times of transition can cause increased anxiety and concern for children and their families. As a result we strive to make these periods as smooth as possible through the following: 

Secondary Transition and Mid year transfer 

We will ensure that all records are passed on to the new school as soon as possible.  

As part of the preparations for the transition to Y7 the SENCo and y6 teacher attends a transition meeting with each of the receiving schools. It provides the opportunity to meet, share and discuss your child’s needs. Pupil Passports and  Support plans are given to the child’s new school as well as their individual SEND files which details the pupils SEND history 

The SENCo will liaise with the receiving school via phone calls, e-mails and meetings and will attended visits to receiving schools with parents if requested.  

Many secondary schools offer open evenings for children with SEND in the Autumn term and/or may visit our school to gain a better understanding of your child’s needs and put in place any provision necessary prior to their start date. We actively encourage this practise and suggest these visits can begin in Year 5 in preparation for Y7 

IIn some cases additional multi- agency meetings i.e. TAC: team around the child OR a TAF: team around the family, may be arranged to devise a more detailed ‘transition’ plan.  

For those children with an EHCP, their transition programme is carefully managed in consultation with the Local Authority and any other engaged outside agencies as appropriate.  

Annual Transition within Riverdale  

Discussions between staff from current class teachers and receiving class teachers will be held prior to your child starting. Designated meeting time is built in by school to support this 

Class teachers visit their new classes in children’s current classroom so children are in a familiar environment when meeting a potentially new adult. 

All children attend a two week transition period prior to starting within their new class. 

Children joining from other schools are invited to join for however much of this period they can. 

Transitions books are sent home Via Seesaw to share with yourselves the routines and adults in place for the coming. Similarities to existing routines are highlighted as well as differences.  WE encourage these to be used at home and revisted throughout the holidays as appropriate. 

Parents are always welcome to talk to class teachers about questions or concerns.  

At the final SEN review meeting of the year there is a opportunity to discuss transition with the SENCo and share your thoughts. 

Social stories may also be used to help your child with understanding transition. The stories are used at both home and at school. 

How are the schools resources allocated and matched to children’s Special Educational Needs?

The SEN budget is allocated each financial year and the money is used to provide additional support or resources dependent on individual’s needs up to the value of £10,000.00. The additional provision may be allocated after discussion with the class teacher at pupil progress meetings or if a concern has been raised by them at another time of year. 

Higher Needs Funding can be applied for by school through the Local Authority Resource and Support Panel. This can be used across the day in a variety of ways including physical resources, staffing (small groups, interventions, emotional check in’s), playtime or lunchtime support. 

If a child is deemed to need support above the £10,000.00 a referral will be made to the local authority SEND panel for an Education Health Care Plan for additional funding. This additional funding is dependent on the decision of the panel and based on costed provision provided in the referral forms. 

How is the decision made about how much support my child will receive?

At Riverdale we follow a graduated approach to ensure the need for support is identified quickly and effectively. Staff follow a clear structure showing the stages from early identification through to specialist support with outside agencies. These steps include:  

Class Teacher and SENco Quality First Teaching is secure and an additional strategies explored from the school ‘Tool Kit’. Initial discussions are recorded on the school system and revisited with a Learning Walk and Staff discussion in 4 weeks 

Following this if your child continues to need support a one page pupil passport is written and shared with the staff working with your child as appropriate. This may include office staff and lunch time supervisors. The class Teacher and SENCo will assess the child using the Local Authority Ranges document and are revisited in a further 4 weeks. 

After this period, if further support is needed a referral may be made by school to the Local Authority Resource and Support Panel or the external agencies listed above for specialist advice. A SEN support Plan will be written to implement recommendations. 

Finally, if limited progress is evident the Educational Health Care Plan process can be initiated. 

Throughout the process children’s progress are carefully monitored and shared with home. 

How will I be involved in the discussions about and planning my child’s education? 

We see your child’s education is a partnership between ourselves and you, and so you are encouraged to be involved in planning for your child’s education and to share the wealth of knowledge you about you child. 

These include: 

Attending their termly progress meeting / or SEN review meeting to share your thoughts and ideas 

Sharing observations and thoughts as they happen during the school year with their class teacher 

Discussion with yourself about any changes to support before the next progress review meeting and your thoughts on the proposed changes 

If your child is being considered for an Education Health Care Plan there are several meetings that need to take place at key points in time of the referral process. Parents are invited to all of these and are encouraged to take an active role in this. 

Parent questionnaires are shared to gain views on the school systems, feedback is collated and shared through a ‘You asked….we listened’  parent voice letter. 


Governing Body

The Governing Body is responsible for using data to support decisions on how funding is allocated.

The Governing Body works closely with the Senior Leadership Team and the SENDCo to monitor the progress of children with SEND and the impact of provision.

The Governing Body commissions services to support pupils with SEND from the local authority, health and other professionals and voluntary services, eg. Educational Psychology Service, Speech and Language Service.

Mrs Bone is the Governor responsible for SEND. She can be contacted via the school.

Any concerns about SEND provision should be raised initially with the class teacher or the SENDCo. Should there be further difficulties parents/carers should contact the Head Teacher or follow the school complaints procedure (available on the school website). 

Who can I contact for further information?

If you wish to discuss your child’s educational needs and are unhappy about something regarding your child’s schooling please contact the school office to arrange a meeting with Mrs Coldwell our SEND Lead.

I hope these have answered any queries with regards to the support Riverdale Primary School provide for children needing additional support. Please do not hesitate to contact school if you have any further questions.

Useful Links:

Redcar and Cleveland’s Short Break Clubs

Short Break clubs are available for children and young people who have additional support needs and or disabilities and are intended to have positive benefits for both children and young people and their families. Please use the following link for more details Redcar and Cleveland’s Short Breaks & Short Breaks Brochure.

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